Milwaukee Brain Injury Lawyer
Medical Malpractice Cases Resulting in Brain Injuries
A brain injury is a life-changing injury, unpredictable in its consequences. Brain injury is a tragedy for the victim and the entire family, and the condition often lasts a lifetime.
At the Law Office of Randall E. Reinhardt, I will give you my personal time and attention, and I will help you get answers following such a tragedy. I will evaluate the circumstances surrounding the incident to identify any form of medical malpractice and I will seek just compensation for you or your loved one.
Why Work with the Law Office of Randall E. Reinhardt?
All it takes is a split second for a brain injury to completely alter someone's life. If you or a loved one is facing the emotional and financial hardships of a life altered by brain injury caused by the recklessness or negligence of others, you maybe be entitled to compensation for present and future medical costs, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life and earning potential and other damages.
Recovering financial compensation for a serious brain injuries caused by medical malpractice is an urgent matter; the care needed to sustain quality of life following such a traumatic event is often extensive. As a Certified Civil Trial Advocate and a Milwaukee brain injury attorney, I will help you to seek justice.
Impact of Brain Injuries
The impact of brain injury can cause difficulties involving:
- Attention span
- Memory
- Confusion
- Concentration
- Impulsiveness, Speech and/or hearing
- Reading and writing
- Partial or total loss of vision
- Sense of smell and/or taste
There may be physical or emotional changes including chronic pain sleep disorders, loss of stamina, emotional stability, irritability, aggression or depression, or in the most tragic cases, a victim rendered completely helpless, in a vegetative state. When a medical professional has failed to apply the accepted standard of care, whether in a birth injury, surgical procedure or other type of treatment, it is time to take action and seek justice
Contact Our Office Today!
If you or a loved one has suffered brain damage after an act of negligence in medical care, you have the right to pursue compensation for all subsequent medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and lost earning potential and many other forms of compensatory damages. Contact my office today to schedule a free consultation.