Proving Owner Liability for a Dog Bite Claim
There are specific laws in the state of Wisconsin regarding dog bite claims. According to these laws, found in Wisconsin Statutes section 174.02, dog owners are strictly liable for the injuries their animals cause. This extends to property damage and injuries to other pets as well. Additionally, if the dog was known by the owner to have attacked and caused injuries in the past, he or she may be liable for double damages in this instance. This is a unique facet of Wisconsin state law that many other states do not emulate.
The First Step: Find the Right Attorney
Despite the clear cut nature of these laws, however, there can still be some difficult in identifying liability. The right thing to do is to speak with an attorney in Milwaukee who has focused his or her career on the area of personal injury law and handling cases related to this field. As an experienced lawyer with years in the field, I'm prepared to provide the help and counsel you need. It's important to note that there is a three year statute of limitations in effect, so it's important to act quickly.
How does modified comparative fault work?
In Wisconsin, the law dictates a "modified" comparative fault approve. In essence, this means that:
- If the injured person was 50% or less responsible for the accident that caused their injuries, then the damages he or she is eligible to receive will be lessened by the injured person's percentage of fault.
- If, however, the injured person is 51% or more responsible for the accident that caused their injuries, they will not be eligible to recover damages.
This could apply, for example, in a situation where a person was provoking a dog, or if the victim knew that the dog was dangerous but the owner did not. My job as an attorney is to fight for the rights of the injured. I can help you protect your future and take action against the responsible owner. Documents that may be of service toward this end include your medical bills, photos of your injuries, and medical records.
To learn more, contact the Law Office of Randall E. Reinhardt today to set up a consultation.